Our laboratory, the HTEL, is located in the heart of the University of Iowa biomedical research complex in Bowen Science Building. The HTEL was newly renovated in 2018 to meet our expanding needs. It provides facilities and expertise to explore research questions in pulmonary biology, nanotoxicology, inhalation toxicology, or aerosol science. The HTEL is comprised of 6500 sq. ft. of lab space divided into two sections: a laboratory area and an office suite. The HTEL is structured with two large adjacent rooms dedicated to inhalation toxicology studies, one for exposed animals and one for sham-exposed control animals. Both have multiple walk-in fume hoods and dedicated nose-only and whole-body exposure stations for rodents and large animals. In addition to these rooms, there are multiple special-purpose laboratories listed below.
Inhalation Toxicology Lab I 1-507
Surgery/Necropsy Lab 1-507A
Tissue Culture Lab 1-510
Inhalation Toxicology Lab II 1-511
Analytical/Bioassay Lab 1-512
Molecular Biology Lab 1-512A
Gravimetrics Lab 1-514A
Exposure Science Lab 1-514
Neurobehavioral Testing Lab 1-659A
Microscopy/Imaging Lab 1-659K
Biorepository 1-659C
Environmental Room, 4°C 1-318
Sterilizer/Wash Room 1-503
Supply Storage Room 1-659L
Conference Room/Student Space 1-659B
Staff Offices 1-659D,E,F,G,H